Sponsor the Bees
Sponsor the Bees
A friend of mine has been generous enough to donate two bee boxes to the farm. I have spent the winter making a safe space for them to be sheltered from the elements along with creating a space nearby for food sources.
I have yet to order my bees for the season in hopes of having good attendance at the first Dinner in the Garden. Proceeds from donors that attend dinners will go towards projects like the bee boxes. Anyone is welcome to help me get ahead of projects if they would like to sponsor individual items to go towards the larger whole. The bee project still needs nucs (a small colony), a protective bee suit, and what I call a first aid kit. The first aid is for preventative purposes along with diagnosis if something seems off in the colony.
All sponsors of the bee project will receive honey when it is ready or can get a fresh bouquet of flowers if they are local.
Bee nuc sponsors will be gifted a seat at a Dinner in the Garden.