Loveliness of Lady Bugs Sponsor

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Loveliness of Lady Bugs Sponsor


As a farmer that practices with organic and biodynamic methods, I try very hard to find ways in nature to prevent and solve problems when they arise. The ducks for instance have several purposes. They add nutrients to the soil by repurposing their coop and pen scrapings to compost, they love eating snails and slugs, and then there is the bonus of eggs.

Lady bugs - while adorable to look at - are absolute monsters at eating aphids. If you don’t know about aphids, then let me tell you. They are these little insects that gather in the leaves, stems and roots of fruits, vegetables, and flowers then suck the life out of them, literally. They suck up sap from the plants causing them to decay and die, basically starving the plants to death.

Fun fact - a group of lady bugs is called a loveliness. Isn’t that just adorable?

Sponsoring a loveliness of lady bugs will go towards the purchase of 7,500 lady bugs to be spread amongst the flower beds, fruits and veggies.

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