Chicken Sponsor

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Chicken Sponsor


Well, I wasn’t really planning on having laying chickens just yet. Then I got a phone call from my bestie Syd, with her two kids in the car, saying they were headed to my local feed store to get chicks and asked if I wanted to come along.

Yeah, duh. When I got back home I had 6 new chicks, a bag of feed, and a fresh bulb for my heat lamp. Truly don’t know what happened. It was like I blacked out.

Right now they are in my bathtub but soon to be out with the ducks.

Sponsoring a chicken can go towards any of the following: feed supplies, building a new coop, meal worm treats, or resting perches. Just depends on what is going on at the time and their needs.

Name suggestions are welcome.

The breeds I have currently are:

Rhode Island Red


Golden Lace Wyandotte

Black Austrolorp

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