Sponsor a Flower Patch
Sponsor a Flower Patch
Choose a variety that speaks to you!
Dahlia Tubers - $25- 4 tubers
Peony live roots - $25 - 1 plant
Wildflowers - Beneficial Attractant - $20 - 1/4 lb bulk seed mix, comprised of: White Yarrow, Baby's Breath, Candytuft, Tidy Tips, Alyssum, Baby Blue Eyes, White Dutch Clover, California Bluebells.
Wildflowers - Southeast Natives - $40 - 1/4 lb bulk seed mix comprised of: Annual Phlox, Black-Eyed Susan, Butterfly Milkweed, Clasping Coneflower, Gayfeather, Gilia, Indian Blanket, Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Leavenworth's Tickseed, Lemon Mint, New England Aster, Partridge Pea, Plains Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Scarlet Sage, Starry Rosinweed
In flower farming, it sometimes makes more sense to buy mature plants than to start everything from seed. Both dahlias and peonies are flowers that multiply each time they grow and can help build inventory very quickly over a single growing season.
Wildflower patches are great food access for pollinators, I choose to buy my seed mixes from local farmers specializing in plants native to my growing region.
Each sponsor will have a small plaque displayed to commemorate their contribution near their plants or somewhere close by for farm visitors to see. It is a wonderful way to say thank you and visually see how my community has come together in support to build this farm.