Sponsor Glassware

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Sponsor Glassware

from $60.00

I have been blessed with being able to borrow glassware for the first few dinners so far but I will eventually need to buy my own set and it can get sort of pricey when you are running on a shoestring budget. And I do mean shoestring.

Ideally, I would like to have 36 glasses to get started. That is enough for 18 guests.

Glassware comes in 6 stems to a case at $10 a stem.

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The exact glassware I like to use is the Luigi Bormioli Atelier Sauvignon Blanc glass as my multi-purpose wine glass. I have been using this glassware since about 2014 when we did a trial at The Raleigh Wine Shop to phase out our older and more fragile glassware for something more sturdy that showed the wines better. There were a lot of factors we looked at including the size of the bowl opening, how easy were they to polish, were they easily broken, are they 3 piece blown or 2 piece? All sorts of details go into deciding on glassware.